also called C.C. and Francis Chang
(1910 - 1986)

(Lead/Forman Mechanic)
(Dinjan Short A Lead Mechanic)
(CNAC 1930 - 194?)

Page Started: 2017
Page Updated: 3-26-2022

"I'll Be Seeing You" played by Liberace
" wǒ huì kàn dào nǐ " yóu lì bèi léi sī bàn yǎn
<bgsound src="illbeseeingyou_liberace01.mp3" loop=infinite>

C.C.Chang’s birth date was: October 23, 1910; (Chinese lunar calendar,农历).
C.C.Chang’s birth place was: 七宝镇,上海 (QiBao Town, Shanghai City).
C.C.Chang’s death date was: May 4, 1986 (Julian calendar,公历).
C.C.Chang passed away at home, Rm #11 of No.4 ShiJiaJiao Courtyard, HuaYang Bridge, PingJiang Rd, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China.
C.C.Chang’s burial site and gravestone is: No.1 pit, No.23 Row, No.4 District, No.1 HuaQiao Public Cemetery, Dongshan Town, YangWan, WuXian County, Suzhou City, JiangSu Province, China.

Dec. 28, 2017

Dear Mr. Tom Moore,

My grandfather Chang, Chih-Chung (張執中 / 张执中, also known as C.C. Chang and Francis Chang) joined the CNAC in 1930 and had worked a lot as the mechanic in 1930’s and as the foreman mechanic in 1940s, especially going through many events of the CNAC’s effort at war (i.e., the Hump flights) at many places of China, Burma, and India during his period of time with CNAC.

My father, Zhang, Yun-he (张云和) in Nanjing of China is the oldest son of my grandfather Chang, Chih-Chung (張執中 / 张执中) and is now 80 years old; he is trying to collect photos and information regarding my grandfather’s records, experience, stories, ESPECIALLY PHOTOS. We will greatly appreciate it if you could add us (my email: into your CNAC emailing list and also if you could direct us to any persons who knew/know about Chang, Chih-Chung (張執中 / 张执中, C.C. Chang)’s CNAC experience.

Many thanks in advance.

Sincerely yours,

Yi Zhang

On behalf of my father Mr. Yun-he Zhang (张云和)

December 29, 2017

(OK, anyone out there happen to have an original copy of the above photo?)
(Click here for a clear picture.)

My father said to me that my grandfather C.C. Chang had and kept this photo at home in Suzhou but this photo original was lost at certain event during the Cultural Revolution.

My father Yun-he Zhang thinks the person standing before the airplane was PROBABLY my grandfather C.C. Chang. According to my father’s recall, it was that time when they all lived in Suifu airport of Ipin, Sichuan, China where my grandfather worked there that time; also my father, at young age then, with his playmates, often sneaked into such simple-style hangar (in the above picture) which was built by using bamboo-sheet and bamboo pipes there.

The title in Chinese indicates Tom Moore provided the photo. Thus, we wonder whether you could share with us the original image of the photo and whom you obtained it from (whether the photo-holder knew C.C. Chang or had/has other pictures containing C.C. Chang at CNAC. We would greatly appreciate any info from you with this part.

2) photo-2, titled as “CNAC Captain Hugh Woods, Operations Manager, first exploring the Hump route by flying from Lashio to Chungking in 1940 end.

As Captain Woods was one of the senior staff of CNAC, being the Operations Manager in 1940 and my grandfather C.C. Chang was one of the senior mechanics of CNAC then, my father estimates Mr. Woods and C.C. Chang would work fairly much in coordination / cooperation at that time. Actually C.C. Chang had arrived at Dum Dum Airport Calcutta, India, conducting early-stage mechanic preparation for the Hump Airlift before Mr. Woods did the exploring the Hump route.

The title in Chinese indicates Tom Moore provided the photo. Thus, we wonder whether you are aware of any photo that Captain Woods (or his family) has contains C.C. Chang or any CNAC persons who knew about C.C. Chang at that time. We would greatly appreciate any info from you with this aspect.

December 5, 2017

.~~~~~~~ 张执中照片说明,A-2.c,10am, Dec.5, 2017 Photo-1~5, 张执中在中航期间的一本汽车驾驶证(证件外部与若干内页照片, multiple photos of C.C.Chang's driver licence):C.C.Chang's driver licence issued by the CNAC during his work with CNAC in Nanjing, China).






Notes for photos 1-5: 张执中在中航(民国36、37两年审验后)期间的汽车驾驶证(在南京明故宫大校场机场期间,中航配给张执中一辆美式吉普作上下班交通使用,此照实为吉普车驾证)。C.C.Chang's driver licence; at that time CNAC designated a US military jeep C.C.Chang for his commuting use between work and home)

1,封面字样(front cover page),第一行"中华民国",第二行"交通",竖行"汽车驾驶人执照",底行"交通部公路总局制"。

2,封底 (back cover page),黑环圆形符章"交通部公路总局监理处"。

3,证书第一页(first page of the driver licence),
"籍贯:江苏上海"。 "性别:男"。

本页面顶空白处,有手写编号"3955"。(this page's head blank place, there is a hand writing No."3955, which was the number of C.C.Chang's driver licence issued by CNAC during his work with CNAC in Nanjing, China).

  4,证书第二页(second page of the driver licence),

5,证书第三页(third page of the driver licence),

6,证书第四页(forth page of the driver licence),"审__?_执照记录"页,

7,证书第五页(fifth page of the driver licence),"审验执照记录",空白页。

8,证书第六、七页(sixth and seventh pages of the driver licence),"驾驶人违章记录",空白页。

9,证书第八页(eighth page of the driver licence),"汽车驾驶人行车守则",横行印刷文字,十条。

10,证书第九页(ninth page of the driver licence),"驾驶人信条",横行印刷文字,六条;下贴有一张粉红色"中华民国印花税票",票值"壹仟圆"。

P-6,张执中(时年26岁)在中航上海龙华机场工作证,由中航上海总部授发。(C.C.Chang's CNAC Employee certificate, at his age 26 then, issued by CNAC Shanghai Headquarter).

Photo-6, image of front and back covers of the CNAC Employee certificate of C.C.Chang

Photo-7, image of inside pages of the CNAC Employee certificate of C.C.Chang

1,封面,顶部横行"中国航空公司"。竖行"职员证明书"。C.C.Chang's CNAC Employee certificate
2,内页,左下角为中航总经理(注:林伟成时任总经理)大红方形印章"中国航空公司总经理印";the read square seal was the special seal for designated authorization of GENERAL MANAGER OF CNAC, MR. LIN WEI CH'ENG。

And we continue...

My father Yun-he Zhang thinks the person standing before the airplane was PROBABLY my grandfather C.C. Chang. According to my father’s recall, it was that time when they all lived in Suifu airport of Ipin, Sichuan, China where my grandfather worked there that time; also my father, at young age then, with his playmates, often sneaked into such simple-style hangar (in the above picture) which was built by using bamboo-sheet and bamboo pipes there. The title in Chinese indicates Tom Moore provided the photo. Thus, we wonder whether you could share with us the original image of the photo and whom you obtained it from (whether the photo-holder knew C.C. Chang or had/has other pictures containing C.C. Chang at CNAC. We would greatly appreciate any info from you with this part. 2) photo-2, titled as “CNAC Captain Hugh Woods, Operations Manager, first exploring the Hump route by flying from Lashio to Chungking in 1940 end. As Captain Woods was one of the senior staff of CNAC, being the Operations Manager in 1940 and my grandfather C.C. Chang was one of the senior mechanics of CNAC then, my father estimates Mr. Woods and C.C. Chang would work fairly much in coordination / cooperation at that time. Actually C.C. Chang had arrived at Dum Dum Airport Calcutta, India, conducting early-stage mechanic preparation for the Hump Airlift before Mr. Woods did the exploring the Hump route. The title in Chinese indicates Tom Moore provided the photo. Thus, we wonder whether you are aware of any photo that Captain Woods (or his family) has contains C.C. Chang or any CNAC persons who knew about C.C. Chang at that time. We would greatly appreciate any info from you with this aspect. Tom, as you are the CNAC WEB EDITOR, I would like to first contact you to seek help; also, this is my personal inquiry with you for my family’s purpose, could you please keep my emails only for communication purpose without posting at website. This email's PDF is attached below for your review. Thank you so much for your consideration and time. My father and I greatly appreciate any assistance and info from you and/or the ones you know would be of help with our inquiries. We look forward to hearing from you. Best wishes, and Happy New Year! Yi Yi Zhang

张执中照片说明,A-2.c,10am, Dec.5, 2017

Photo-8, 张执中(时年39岁)在中航重庆站工作证,由中航重庆办事处授发,证号"00022"。 (C.C.Chang's CNAC Employee certificate bearing No.00022 due to his high seniority in CNAC, at his age 39 then, in CNAC Chongqing Station)

, Photo-9,

1,证书正页:"交通部中国航空公司重庆办事处工证"页列有以下栏目内容:(CNAC employee certificate issued by CNAC Chongqing Branch) 姓名:张执中(注:于1938年左右将姓名从"张才生"改为"张执中")。 (C.C.Chang's name was changed from Chai-sen Chang in 1938) 组别:机航组 职位:养护部领班机械员(注:Mechanic Foreman) 年龄:三十九岁 (age 39) 籍贯:江苏上海 (Place of Birth, Shanghai, Jiangsu). 本页底部,张执中证件照片左下角,盖有蓝色圆形的中文"中国航空公司_ ?_办事处"及英文"CNAC CHUNGKING "印章字样。 证书封底,中航红色长方形印章:右竖行"中国航空公司",左竖行"重庆办事处图章"。 (另注:张执中在中航驼峰航线工作期间,曾持有一本国民政府授发的护照,用于来往于印度加尔各答与中国各地的飞机维修业务;此护照在文革期间抄家时丢失)

Photo-10 照片,张执中在中航开辟驼峰航线运行前期在印度加尔各答工作期间制服照, 摄于1939一1940年时间。 (C.C.Chang's photo in CNAC uniform, taken in 1939-1940, when he was working in Calcutta, India, and preparing for the initial operation of Hump operation).

注:a.照片背面有张执中亲笔书写签字及一个编号"二二八四四"。 (C.C.Chang's hand signature at the back of photo, bearing a "No.22844 and he then was maintaining C-46 planes mainly plus other airplanes). b.照片中张执中中航制服帽上,帽徽中央为飞机螺旋桨图案,表明张执中从事机械维修工作,当时主要维修C-46运输机。

Photo-11, 照片, 张执中在中航驼峰航线工作期间于1941年(?1942年)在缅甸仰光全家合影 (C.C.Chang's family photo, taken in 1941 or 1942, when C.C.Chang was working in CNAC plant plant assembling P-40 using the parts delivered from Calcutta of India) 。张执中当时在缅甸仰光附近东吁的中航中央飞机制造厂工作,装配陈纳德将军飞虎队P-40战机,其飞机部件由印度加尔各答运去仰光组装。

注:a,此为张执中夫妇及三个子女的全家合影,摄于1942年初。(C.C.Chang's family photo taken in early 1943 in Ragoon, Burma,) b,左后,着中航制服者为张执中 (C.C.Chang in CNAC uniform) ;右后,为张执中太大杨秀珍 (C.C.Chang's wife)。 c,前左一,为长子张云和 (C.C.Chang's oldest son, now living in Nanjing)。 d,前中,为次子张云荣。 e,前右,为长女张云英 (C.C.Chang's oldest daughter was born on Aug.2, 1941 in Ragoon of Burma) 她1941年8月2日出生于缅甸仰光,解放初期在其户藉本上注明"出生地:缅甸仰光";后经公安户籍部门要求,改注为"出生地:中国")

  Photo-12, 照片, 张执中1947年与中航重庆站部分管理及技术职员合影,摄于1947年。(C.C.Chang, 1947, with part of CNAC Chongqing Station staff and technical personnel)

注:a,后排右四,着中航制服者为张执中(C.C.Chang in CNNC uniform, No.4 from right of back row, being Mechanic foreman) ,时任地勤机械师领班。 b,后排右三,为张维善,时为张执中助手之一;解放后与张执中一同调往沈阳航空工业学校(当时校址,沈阳市南市区十二纬路45号);后来张维善一直在沈阳航校工作。 c,照片中其他人员,为中航重庆站的文职、技术职员。

Photo-13, 照片, 1950年中国民航重庆站军管会代表与飞机维修人员合影(注:解放初期中国民航属于军事管制单位),摄于1950年重庆飞机码头珊瑚坝机场。(1950, C.C. Chang and maintenance staff with Civil Aviation Administration of China's Chongqing Station management team).

注:a,前右三,为张执中,时任中国民航重庆站飞机维修领班。 b,照片中合影人员身后的此架C-46运输机,是两航起义中从香港飞回大陆的飞机;在北京机场维修好后从北京飞往重庆,为西南军事委员会刘邓首长专用。 c,前右四,为民航重庆站军管会负责人陈局刚(原是延安抗大学员),据张执中同事说,陈后由中国民航重庆站调往民航成都站工作。

Photo-14 照片, 张执中1950年中国民航重庆站轮训队结业合影。(1950, C.C.Chang with part of the trainees of the Civil Aviation Administration of China's Chongqin Station).

注:a,中排右三,为张执中(C.C.Chang was the third one in the middle row in the photo),参加并完成民航重庆站在重庆南温泉轮训队学习后,结业时与其他学员合影。 b,一起合影人员,系民航重庆站新近招入的学员,来自解放军部队、西南军政学校。

.~~~~~~~ 张执中照片说明,A-2.c,10am。12-5一2017 P-15 照片,

张执中1958年10月在"沈航一号"在北京展览结束后与沈阳航校三名学生在天安门合影。(C.C.Chang, with three students of Shenyang Aviation College, photo was taken in Oct.1958, at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China).

注:a,右一,为张执中,当时在沈阳航空工业学校学生实习工厂工作,为学生机械技术实习做准备工作。 b,"沈航一号"在沈阳航校装配成功后,经上级安排送去北京展览,作为1958年国庆献礼,故又称"国庆号"(另见张执中留存至今的"沈航一号"飞机照片原件背面的亲笔标注)。

P-16 照片,

张执中1958年与沈阳航校同事们在装配完成后的"沈航一号"前合影,摄于沈阳航校内(图文来源: 沈阳航空航天大学网页,)

注:a,前左二为张执中 (C.C.Chang, at No.2 from left of front row), working in Shengyang Aviation College in 1958) ,当时在沈阳航校实习工厂为学生机械技术实习做准备工作。


P-17 照片,



注:a,照片正面,"沈航一号"(front of the photo, No.1 plane assembled by C.C.Chang and his colleagues in Shenyang Aviation College, in 1958).

b,照片背面,为张执中姓名的旧式威妥玛拼音的手写签名(注:"C.C.Chang"为张执中的旧式拼音(Chih Chong,Chang)全拼之缩写,手写注明照片日期"1958年10月7日"。(this is the C.C.Chang's hand writing signature, at the back of his photo above, dated on Oct.7, 1958. )

P-19 照片,

张执中1955年左右在沈阳航校大门前与同事在修复好的校领导专用汽车前合影。(in 1955, C.C.Chang with his co-workers of Shenyang Aviation College, picture was taken in front of the car that they repaired for the College'e heads).

注:a,后排右三,为张执中。(C.C.Chang at No. 3 from right of back row).

P-20 照片,

张执中文革后期1970年全家合影,摄于苏州,张当时在苏州机床厂工作。(1970, C.C.Chang was working in Suzhou Machinery Plant, the photo of his whole family, taken in Suzhou).

注:a,前中,为张执中,时年60岁, C.C.Chang at age 60, at the centre front.)
b,前右,为张执中妻子杨秀珍;前左,张执中的第三子张云林;front right, C.C.Chang's wife.
c,后右,为张执中长女张云英;后中,为张执中长子张云和 (C.C.Chang's oldest son living in Nanjing now);后左,为张执中次子张云庆 (C.C.Chang's second oldest son now living in Suzhou).

P-21 照片

张执中1980年初与中国国民党革命委员会(简称"民革")苏州民革支部的老同志合影。 C.C.Chang (1980) with some old comrades (in Suzhou) of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang (RCCK) .

注:右五,为张执中,时年70岁。C.C.Chang was at No. five from right (at the centre of 9), at age 70.

If you can share any information about C.C. Chang
or would like to be added to the CNAC e-mail distribution list,
please let the CNAC Web Editor, Tom Moore, know.

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