May 18, 2004
I've added the following story in hopes that someone may be able to help this family with their research.
Dear Tom,
Thank you for the info. Our relatives name is Margaret Mary (Peggy) Bruel. She was from Mt. Clemens MI and she was born October 11, 1916. The story is that she died toward the end of the war. The last of the Aunts told us before she passed away last year that she had been a journalist for the Army but other family members thought she was a nurse. Also we came across an interesting piece of mail from the War Department that was addressed to care of Margaret Mary's father but listed the last name as 'Boguslav'. The letter commended the internees and listed two pages worth of names. It also said that Margaret Mary was on her way home.
Since this is all a very interesting mystery, now that anyone who would really know is deceased, our family thought it would be fun to find out the truth of this matter. Just hard to know where to start so thank you for your info.
Mary Johnston
14409 Salem Drive West
Carmel, IN 46033

Margaret's parents, Henry and Dollye Bruel, Mabeld Rivard, Lorraine Rivard (my husband's mother), Delia & Leo Rivard (my husbands grandparents)
Rosalie Rivard, Ida Rivard (My husband's great-grandmother), Jane Rivard, Joseph Rivard (my husband's great-grandfather) and Margaret Mary Bruel
Probably taken on the occasion of Ida & Joseph's 50th Anniversary
September 1930

Margaret Mary Bruel

May 7, 1945

Margaret's parents - Henry and Dollye Bruel
Taken sometime in the 1950's
May 25, 2004
The scope of "your" mystery narrows. A book, "Santo Tomas" (1946), by Frederic H. Stevens, is called their "Bible" by those interned mainly at Santo Tomas or Los Banos Camps in the Philippines. Almost all internees from these two camps are listed in this book, including these two people who were in Santo Tomas at liberation -- February 23, 1945:
David Theodore Boguslav
Margaret Bruel Boguslav
I have skimed thru the book but did not see their names again in the "Chronology" section of the book.
I have cc:ed this e-mail to some other former Santo Tomas internees, to see if they might remember David or Margaret.
When and where was Margaret born? What was her mother's name? If you have a picture of Margaret and her parents I'll add it to her page as soon as you can get it to me. If you send me any original documents or photos, I will return them as soon as I can scan them into my computer. It will be great to add more to your relatives page.
That's all for now.
Take care,
May 29, 2004
I received the following bit of information regarding David Boguslav:
Hi Tom,
I found reference to a David Boguslav who's first wife was Ruth Thibault Dalmage. Her father, Lorenzo Thibault, was, at one time, the boss of Carlos Romulo. David Boguslav was her first husband, and she was his first wife.
Sascha (Weinzheimer Jansen)
June 14, 2004
Here's more pieces to this puzzle.
I was doing a bit of research a little bit ago and discovered that Margaret's husband, David Boguslav stayed in the Phillipinnes and was the editor of the Manila Times. He died in 1962. (click HERE for more details on David's life and times) I cannot believe all this. There was no mention in the article of Margaret, only his first wife, Ruth, who he married in the 20's.
Bye for now,
Mary J.
June 21, 2004
Dear Tom,
Well, I contacted a geneologist in the Mt. Clemens (MI) area to see what she could find out. (She works in the local library). She told me she located Margaret Mary's grave. It is near, but not next to her parents which may be why we did not see it last trip up there.
All the following articles are from a newspeper in
Mount Clemens, Michigan

Well, I am disappointed that this search ended so sadly. She made it through all that and then died a month after returning home. This woman thought she had passed away in a Detriot hospital which is why we could not find any records in Macomb County. She said she will try to find the death certificate for us.
None of this however changes the fact that I would like to find out some of her history in the Philippines and Santo Tomas. Maybe someone will come forward with some info. I guess you can add this new info to the site if you would like to.
I would love to know what happened to all her letters and what happened to her medals????
Is there anyone reading this who may be able to help us find Mary's letters and medals? Thanks.
Thanks again for all your help. My brother-in-law loved the web page you made up. I enjoyed the photos of your home. I lived in Irvine for a few years and loved being in CA. My only sister lives in Pleasant Hill.
Bye for now,
Mary J.
Here's a little bit about David Boguslav.
David Boguslav, after serving with The Manila Times for 27 years, not including the war years when he was in an interment camp, and the 15-year period when the Times lay in inanimate suspension, died in Manila in 1962 at the age of 67 years. At the time of his death he was the oldest staff member of the Times in point of service, and the only editor of the paper who died in the Philippines which he had made his home and whose government in 1960 had awarded him the Legion of Honor for his service to Philippine journalism.

David Boguslav
Manila - 1946

If you would like to share any information about Margaret Mary Bruel or David Theodore Boguslav
or would like to be added to my POW/Internee e-mail distribution list,
please let the me know.