March 19, 2007
Who Was Miss Holmes?
Was the lady in question: Ruth Ann Holmes, who is the only female Holmes listed among prisoners at Santo Tomás? The Miss Holmes I knew as a young boy between 10 and 12 was the companion and housekeeper of E. A. Perkins, distinguished Manila lawyer and American ambassador to the King of Siam.
Dora Perkins Anderson, with her baby Sheila, used often to visit her father in the little shanty he shared with Miss Holmes near the vegetable garden at the Calle Dapitan end of the Camp. Here, in the shanty, Dora introduced me to Miss Holmes—a most pleasant and wholesome woman in her 40's. I remember she once made us an unusual tea during the time of starvation, which was composed of boiled ginger root and cinnamon, which were about the only 'food' that money could buy.
But whatever happened to Miss Holmes after the war? Did she remain in the Philippines, or did she return to the United States? Where was she at the time of E. A. Perkins' death in Manila in 1956? Is there a photo of her? Will anyone with any information whatsoever please contact me, Tom Moore, at

If you would like to share any information about Ruth Ann Holmes
or would like to be added to my POW/Internee e-mail distribution list,
please let me, Tom Moore, know.