Susan "Susie" Wilson
(Susan was German and her German name was: Gertrude Helen Otto-Wilson.
In the book, "Santo Tomas" by Frederic Stevens, she is listed as Gertrude Helen Wilson.)
Samuel "Sam" or "Sammy" Joseph Wilson, Jr.
William "Billy" Patrick Wilson (1931 - 2005)
Edward J. Wilson, brother-in-law to Susan Wilson, was later transferred to Los Banos

Before WWII

Before WWII
left to right
Sammy Wilson and Billy Wilson

left to right
William P. Wilson, Susan/Gertrude Wilson, Samuel J. Wilson and Samuel J. Wilson, Jr.

Exactely one year later
Los Angeles, California
February 7, 1946
Left to right
William P. Wilson, Susan/Gertrude Wilson, Samuel J. Wilson and Samuel J. Wilson, Jr.
December 27, 2006
Please add my aunt, Susan Wilson, mother of Samuel and William to the Wilson family. My father Edward J. Wilson was also interned at Santo Tomas for a period of time and was transferred to another camp, the name I do not remember. Maybe someone could help me.
(NOTE: In the book"Santo Tomas", there is an Edward John Wilson listed in the Los Banos Internment Camp.)
Also, during the entire war my uncle, Samuel J. Wilson, A Naval Capitain, was a guerilla and nick-named the Mindinau Money Man. I know there are articles written about him. I read many when I was a young boy. My mother and I had returned to the states just prior to the war.
Any help you can give me will be most appreciated.
Thank you,
Edward J. Wilson, Jr.
December 28, 2006
Hi Tom,
I just saw that my cousin Ed Wilson just emailed you, so I got your email address from him because I couldn't open it on your site.
I received the DVD on Santo Tomas for Christmas and what a wonderful suprise. My father William P. Wilson "Billy" and was interned I think 1942 thru 1945 he was about 14 years old when he got out. His brother was Samuel J. Wilson Jr. "Sammy" and their mother was German so her name wasn't on the list. She was Mrs. Samuel J. Wilson Sr. (Gertrude Helen Otto-Wilson)
My father William P. Wilson just passed away last year, Nov 1st 2005 he was 74yr. old. He was a wonderful father and husband to my mother. Everyone has passed away except my cousin Ed Wilson who you just heard from...He lived in Florida. His dad was Edward Wilson Sr. and he was moved from Santo Tomas to another camp, but I don't know the name of it, and we don't think it was Los Banos.
(NOTE: In the book"Santo Tomas", there is an Edward John Wilson listed in the Los Banos Internment Camp.)
Please write back. (I did.)
Thank You,
Cathleen Wilson-Slender

If you would like to share any information about this Wilson Family
or would like to be added to my POW/Internee e-mail distribution list,
please let me, Tom Moore, know.