(1917 CA - 1978 CA)

(CNAC 194? - 194?)

Page Started: September 27, 2021
Page Updated: 9-28-2021

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"As Time Goes By", played by Beegie Adair
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From an undated CNAC Mailing List:
From the CNAC mailing list 1960-1962:
Gillette, Jack o (o = operations)

From the 1964 CNAC mailing list:
Gillette, Jack

From the 2/1/65 and 1976 CNAC mailing lists:
Jack Gillette
340-63rd St.
Oakland, 18, Calif.

From the February 5, 1979 CNAC mailing list: Jack Gillette
Oakland, CA 94618

AND Ruby C. Gillette
5290 Broadway Terr
Oakland, CA 94618

Today, September 27, 2021 I realized that Jack and Ruby (Chuck) were married.

From the February 1, 1981 CNAC mailing list:
Jack and Ruby C. Gillette
5290 Boradway
Oakland, California 94618

From the 9 September 1998 CNAC mailing list under the "LOST" section:
5290 Broadwat Terr
Oakland, CA 94618

If you would like to share any information about Jack Gillette
or would like to be added to the CNAC e-mail distribution list,
please let the CNAC Web Editor, Tom Moore, know.

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