(1908 NY - 1978 MI)
(CNAC 193? - 194?)
Page Started: 2000 Page Updated: 1-18-2023 |
"Keep Your Sunny Side Up" 1929 Johnny Hamp with vocalist Joe Cassidy and the Kentucky Serenaders |
Elliott Hazzard was a mechanic for CNAC before WW II. Elliott Hazzard and family were interned at Santo Tomas by the Japanese during WW II. All of them were repatriated in 1943, returning to the United States on the Gripsholm. Elliott W. Hazzard, Jr. (father, 1908 - 1978) Lillian Edna Katz Hazzard (mother, 1909 - 1980) Suzanne Seebrook Hazzard (daughter, 1934 - 2023) Joan Boumount Hazzard (daughter) ![]() ![]() (Photo purchased on eBay January 22, 2013) February 19, 2010 Connie Ford remembers: Tom Tom, Lil Hazzard and the children were in our room in the Annex at the beginning of internment in STIC. Karen Kerns Lewis and her mother were also in the same room. The Kerns and Fords were moved to room 55A, third floor of the Main Building later as more mothers with younger children came into camp. I have noticed that the Hazzards were not listed in Stevens' book and presumed they were repatriated. February 26, 2010 Hi all, I have a compendium of articles from the NY Times titled "The Voyage of the Gripsholm." These are news articles from the paper coverning the voyage of the Gripsholm from Goa to New York, October 1943 to December, 1943.. These articles contain considerable information about the number of people repatriated and who they were. In a news item without a dateline but apparently dated December 2, 1943, the day after the Gripsholm docked in Jersey City in New York harbor, there is the following statement: "But even though they were bubbling over with the sheer happiness born of freedom, it was evident that not for a minute did they forget their unfortunate former companions who are still at the mercy of the Japanese. As 9-year-old Suzanne Hazard (so spelled) of San Francisco put it when reporters and photographers clustered about her and her 6-year-old sister, Joan: 'We can't tell you all of the things about the camp.'" The compendium was complied by a Donald Menzi, dmenzi@earthlink.net and is dated 3/11/07. Curtis Brooks - curtbrooks@aol.com ![]() Foxy Kent, Chuck Sharp, Ed Smith, Chili Vaughn Elliott Hazzard knew my aunt and uncle, Elizabeth "Betty" Scott and CNAC Captain Emil Scott before WW II in Manila. ![]() ![]() ![]() From the 1964 and 1965 CNAC Mailing Lists, Elliot's address was listed as: Elliot W. Hazzard (only 1 "t") 3 Dodwell Mansions 273 The Peak Hong Kong From a CNAC Personnel list (1960-1962): Hazzard, Elliot W. (only 1 "t", again) 9555 Beaverland St. Detroit At the time of Elliott's death in 1978, he was married to Betty Ann Hazzard. ![]() or would like to be added to the CNAC e-mail distirbution list or to my POW/Internee e-mail distribution list, please let me, Tom Moore, know. Thanks! |
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