(CNAC 19?? - 19??)
(Hump Flights ???)
Page Started: 2005 Page Updated: 7-25-2021 |
John Nelson Borland Pell Cambridge - 1937 In the 1943-45 log book of Don McBride, Pell listed his home address as: J.N.B. Pell Westbury Long Island N.Y. (NOTE: Nelson Pell and J.N.B. Pell are the same person.) The 1960's CNAC Pernonnel Mailing List shows: Nelson Pell, pilot either living or killed in China February 28, 2009 Nelson Pell who flew the hump during the 2nd World War was born in 1914 and was killed in August, 1947 in a plane crash while attempting to land in Boston. Alice Pell (daughter) or would like to be added to the CNAC e-mail distribution list, please let the CNAC Web Editor, Tom Moore, know. Thanks! |