Welcome to the Official Home Page for the
China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC)

First to fly the "Hump"!

And other amazing aviation firsts!!

This cnac.org web site, has brought many folks together, some never having heard of CNAC before;
some knew, but it had to remain secret for many years;
and for some, just stumbling upon the site and really enjoying the ride...
If you know of a connection story, please email me, Tom Moore at: pepperbud@dc.rr.com
Thank you very much...
Click here for some of those stories...

The person who keeps track of the Membership List is more important than most realize...

Ya' know, sometimes it only takes one person...
Please check out this link about bringing home those that didn't make it back during WW II:
MIA Aircraft

There are many other places that also keep the memory of CNAC secure for the future.
All are worth reading in detail.

This is just for starters: Chinese Proverbs.

Do you know these folks?
Did any of these folks work for CNAC?


Bob has published a few books and his newest book was released this past December 2019. About his cousin James S. Browne

Now available on Amazon, "The Hunt for Jimmie Browne: An MIA pilot in WWII China" by Robert L Willett

Bob has his own web site listing some of his accomplishments.

Published in 2019...

Mark Vaz and John Hill wrote about Pan Am and its history durning WW II,

Published in 2019...
The Spirit behind the Spirit of St. Louis (2019)

And here's the press release for the above book by Benjamin "Ben" C. Barrett.

In 1938, Ben's grandfather, Harold M. Bixby,
wrote a book entitled Top Side Ricksha.
He privately published about 20 copies of his book regarding his recollections concerning CNAC.
Sometime in 1968, Mrs. Bixby had about 20 more copies of this book republished.
Professor William Leary (The Dragon's Wings) of the University of Georgia at Athens oversaw this project.
Here is that book cover

Published in 2016...

Billy wrote about his dad, "Mac"...
Daniel Ford, author of Flying Tigers, reviewed The Shadow Tiger.

Published in 2012...

Personal Blog of Greg Crouch.
Watch his blog for all things CNAC.

And, check out this article from The Wall Street Journal - Saturday, February 25, 2012

Published in 2011...

Yankee on The Yangtze
Romance and Adventure Follow the Birth of Aviation

by Nancy Allison Wright - This is about Nancy's Dad, Ernest M. Allison or "Allie"
Available on Amazon.com

Published in 2011...

Forgotten Aviatior The Adventures of Royal Leonard by Barry S. Martin

Published in 2008...

An AirLine At War
Pan Am's China National Aviation Corporation and Its Men
by Robert L. Willett
(Bob is a cousin of CNAC Co-Pilot James S. Browne)
More about Mr. Willett and his writings

You can find many other books about CNAC listed here

This monument was started in 1991 and completed in 1993.

Hump Monument - Kunming

This monument was started in ???? and completed in ????.

Hump Monument - Nanjing

Construction began in September 2001. The memorial opened to the public on April 29, 2004, and was dedicated on Saturday, May 29, 2004.
WW II Memorial in Washington, DC

These Memorial photos taken September 9, 2011 by Craig Chinn.

From The Dragon's Wings by William M. Leary, Jr. (Copyright © 1976)

"American business enterprise took the lead in advancing a program to inaugurate commercial air service in China. Curtiss-Wright, the leading aeronautical corporation in the United States at the time, founded the China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC) in partnership with the Chinese government in 1929. Subsequently taken over by Pan American Airways in 1933, CNAC pioneered commercial air service throughout the Middle Kingdom until the airline's demise in 1949."

If you have any CNAC material you would like to add it to this site, please let me, the CNAC Web Editor, know -- my name is Tom Moore. I should like particularly to request the Chinese pilots, co-pilots, crewmen and staff who took part in CNAC events to send me their stories. It is not necessary that these narratives be in the polished style of the professional writer, for it is the substance, not the form, which is all-important. And pictures! Remember a picture is worth 10,000 words -- people, aircraft, airports, offices, old stomping grounds, haunts from the past -- you get the idea. Even the smallest item will be posted and I'm sure that it would be of interest to many!

All items will be returned to the owner after being scanned to add on this site.

Statement by Chiang Kai-shek's American Chief of Staff

"Flying the "Hump" was the foremost and by far the most dangerous,
difficult and historic achievement of the entire war"

(Source: World War II Chronicles, a supplement to American Heritage.
1996 Forbes Inc. Page 47.)

Letters of Endorsement
CNAC Association Board Members
Contacts for Veterans Benefits

General History
The Chung

Actually, the CNAC Chung continues to fly today.
Click here for further information.
Radio Operators
Flight Engineers
Flight Attendants
Operations Personnel
Medical Personnel
The "Hump"!
First or Special Flights
In-Flight Food Service
Issues of the Cannonball
CNAC Monthly Bulletin
Flying Tigers/Tiger Rag (AVG/CNAC)
Wings Over Asia
CNAC Calendars
CBI Roundup and Ex-CBI Roundup
jing bao JOURNAL
CNAC Association Reunion
Miami, Florida 1968

Do you know these folks?
Did any of these folks work for CNAC?

Office Locations
Postal Items and
Covers Flown by
Books, Videos and Articles
Burma and the Burma Road
Calcutta Chengtu now Chengdu
Chungking Dinjan Hong Kong
Mukden, Manchuria
Tenchung Shanghai
Other Places
Next Reunion
Past Reunions and trips
Shared thoughts on the meaning of
"Hogy Taw"
Chinese Proverbs
Short Snorters
Amusing Stories
Miscellaneous Items
Like insignia, luggage labels
posters and souvenir decals.
Lung Wah Association

Although not CNAC employees,
these people were or now closely associated with CNAC and/or CNAC employees.

Bob Andrade
John Anderson
Gene Banning
Patti Gully
Joseph Benjamin Holloway
Valerie Parish Kendrick
Morris Reed Knight
John Lisk
John Lee
Art Lym
Liu Xiao Tong
Lillian (Liao Qiyu)
Robin Lung
Antonio "Tony" Mercede
Renee Robertson
Lincoln C. Reynolds
Starr Kenneth Thompson

Although not CNAC employees,
these folks are closely aligned with aviation World Wide...

Charles Howard Mathews, Jr.

December 7, 1941 - Japan Attacks Pear Harbor
April 18, 1942 - Doolittle Raid (PowerPointSlide Presentation)
August 6, 1945 - United States Drops Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima
August 9, 1945 - United States Drops Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki
August 15, 1945 - Japan Officially Surrenders to the Allies
(And they're still not teaching the truth in Japanese schools!)


Wright-Patterson AFB
Dayton, Ohio

San Diego Aerospace Museum
(The museum has a very large collection of CNAC material!)
(Keep the museum in mind if you want someplace to house your CNAC material.)

Hoover Institution Library and Archives
Click HERE for an overview.

Posted August 21, 2022
Historic Flight Foundation"
This is the organization that flew their DC-3 to SFO in 20??.
Liz Matzelle was their hostess.
Pete Goutiere flew this plane way back in the day as a CNAC plane.

Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
Click HERE for an overview on aviation.
Currently they have a very small collection of CNAC material.

(Keep these facilities in mind if you want someplace to house your CNAC material.)

My name is Tom Moore.
I am the CNAC Association VP/Historian and the Web Editor for the China National Aviation Corporation Historical (CNAC) web site:
Please let me know you were here by sending me an e-mail: pepperbud@dc.rr.com
You can read more about me on my bio page.


Emil Silvan Scott (1911-1942) and Asian Aviation
Society of Oral History on Mondern China
History Pan American World Airways
University of Miami, Pan Am Archives
Chinese Canadian Military Museum Home Page
China Clipper
Brief History of the Douglas DC-1, 2 and 3
Now here are the real details behind the DC-3's
Boeing & Douglas: A History of Customer Service
The Flying Tigers Home Page (AVG)
China-Burma-India Hump Pilots Association
Flying Tiger Line Pilots Association Home Page
History of C.A.T. and Air America at the University of Texas (UT) Dallas
World Airways
Air Sickness Bags

If you click on anything on this site and get a message that says the page does not exist,
please e-mail me.

I have no intention of violating the law with the content of these pages and have made every
effort to give proper credit where necessary. However, if any of this material is yours or is
being used inappropriately, please let me know so I can correct the situation.

Copyright © 2000-2024 by Tom O. Moore, Jr. All Rights Reserved.
Please ask before using or reproducing any material from these pages.
Thank you.

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