(1916 VT - 2007 VT)
(Chief Engineer)

(CNAC 194? - 194?)
(1918 NY - 2019 VT)
(Trained Stewardesses)

(CNAC 1946 - 1947)

Page Started: November 15, 2006
Page Updated: 1-21-2023

Background music to this page can be controlled here.
"Brazil", Xavier Cugat and his orchestra
<bgsound src="brazil_05.mp3" loop=infinite>
(and the history of the song, Brazil)

Certificate of Award, Presented to Major James A. Prevost, 20 Aug 1946

Honolulu Star_Bulletin
February 10, 1947

Click here for a larger version.
And the page for Benita Chung.

November 15, 2006

I have just recently found your CNAC website. Having heard many stories from both of my parents about CNAC and the Hump I thought that I would do some research on the internet. I called them and told them of my find and started reading info, names, places etc from your website. A lot was very familiar to them as they asked me to look for other names. Mom even told me of some of the accidents and I read her the newspaper clippings posted on your website. She was telling me the same story that was in the clippings as I read them. She even had recall of the young boy that survived an accident when his missionary parents were killed.

I know that they have many memories and some pictures. My parents are Jules A. Prevost & Frances B. Prevost. Dad tells of ferrying DC4's from the US to China for CNAC including a special custom aircraft for Chiang Kai Chek. I believe these to be the DC4's listed on your website. He worked for CNAC between 1946 & 47, for General Tunner while in the USAF and briefly for PanAM. My father went on to retire as a full colonel after a 30 year career from the USAF in 1968.

My mother was an American Airlines stewardess and helped train the first class of stewardesses for CNAC. She has a copy of the picture showing on your website of the graduating class and recalled the names of some of the stewardesses. My parents lived in Shanghai, renting a home from a pilot Jack Gillette, for awhile having to leave Shanghai as the communist were approaching.

Dad is now 90 years old and mom is 88. They live at Joes Pond in northern Vermont not far from his birthplace, where they retired to in 1968 on a property that they bought in 1946 and built a home on in 1948.

Please let me know if you have any info of their time with CNAC. I am sure that my parents might have some more info to provide.

JP (Jules Provest)

Do you know this person?

Unknown, Unknown and C. Y. Liu

We think this is the list of the stewardresses below.

E. M. Allison, Col. Liu
We only have three stewardesses in our list, but we need more and need to add names to the faces.
Hope you can help...
Theresa Shen, Lolly Wong, Linda Koeh
Click here for a larger version.

And here are those stewardresses (11 but only 10 names on the list).
Here is a larger version.
Anyone out there attach names to any of these people?
Your help is greatly appreciated.

Paul Vick has a strong connection with Frances Prevost. See this letter.


Please see attached letter written by my mother to her daughter-in-law in 1999 referencing her training of the first flight attendants on CNAC.
Jules Prevost

JP - Thank you very much for all you have sent me. Tom

If you would like to share any information about the Prevost's
or would like to be added to the CNAC e-mail distribution list,
please let the CNAC Web Editor, Tom Moore, know.

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