Last known address in 1971 was:
Gordon Tweedy
860 United Nations Plaza
New York, New York 10017
As Bond's replacement, Tweedy became Vice-President and Director of CNAC from 1945 until 1948 when he resigned and was replaced by Quentin Roosevelt.
October 25, 2001
From Pete Goutiere
"Gordon and Mary Tweedy worked for CNAC in the exec. branch in Calcutta during the latter part of the War. Early in 1945, while Mary was heavy with child; she and Gordon took a flight from Delhi in a US military twin Beechcraft (C-45), headed for Kashmir. Half way there the pilot got lost and they all had to bail out. They were rescued and finally made it back to Cal. Shortly thereafter Mary delivered a baby girl. A General (two star) Hackett pinned a gemmed caterpillar (caterpillar club) on the diapers of the girl. So she became a member of the club.
I know that the Tweedys returned to NY after the war and he became a CEO of Time-Life Magazine. I also believe they died a few years ago. What I would like to find out, what happened to the little girl. It would be interesting to contact her and get her story."
Anyone know how to contact this little girl, now a grown woman?
Another source says, one of the Tweedy daughters was named Claire with dark hair, with an older sister named one June? or possibly Mary? The older girl had lighter hair and resembled her mother, Claire had dark hair and resembled the father - tall, dark and handsome.
August 26, 2004
I found the following on the "Bulletin of Yale University"
William O. Douglas Clinical Professorship of Law (1989). A gift from Mrs. Gordon B. Tweedy and Mr. and Mrs. Tweedy’s daughters, Clare Tweedy McMorris, Ann Tweedy, and Margot Tweedy in memory of Gordon Bradford Tweedy, B.A. 1929, LL.B. 1932, on the occasion of the anniversaries of his graduation from Yale College and Yale Law School, and in honor of the Honorable William O. Douglas, M.A. 1932, Sterling Professor of Law at Yale Law School and Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1939–1975.

If you would like to share any information about the Tweedy's
or would like to be added to the CNAC e-mail distribution list,
please let the CNAC Web Editor, Tom Moore, know.