
(CNAC November 1943 - 1947)
(Captain - ???)
(Hump Flights - 199)

Page Started: about 2004
Page Updated: 6-17-2024

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In the 1943-45 log book of Don McBride, Capt. Gibson listed his address as:

R.A. Gibson
Box 295
Russells Point
Indian Lake, Ohio

From the 1971 CNAC Association list:
A. Russell Gibson
c/o J.A.L. Opps
International Airport
Tokyo, Japan

From the 1995 CNAC Association list:
Capt. A R Gibson
Apartado Postal 988
Acapulco, Mexico 4-8910

From the 2000 list, this is the last known address for Capt. Gibson:
A.R. Gibson
2120 Sea Lion Drive #105
Las Vegas, Nevada 89128

July 23, 2004
From Johnny Shoemaker

Johnny Shoemaker and wife Audrey
CAT Reunion in Taipei sometime in the 1960's
(Photo Courtesy of Tom Moore)

Dear Tom,

The picture is of me with my wife Audrey. The place is probably Shanghai in 1949 when I was a Captain for CITS for a 4 month period until returning to Hong Kong in April 1949. Audrey is with me here and is well. Her brother Gibby (Russell Gibson) died last year (2001) unexpectedly. Gibby, who joined CNAC in 1943, was my partner when we left CNAC and started a small charter airline in Hong Kong.

My address in New York is 880 Fifth Avenue, Apartment 9D, New York, NY 10021-4951.

Audrey and I left Hong Kong in November 2002 after living their for 54 years. I still go back each year as I still have my company there, General Resources Limited.

All the best,


October 3, 2009

Dear Tom,

Thank you for your letter regarding my husband, "Gibby" Gibson and about CNAC. I found it interesting and will be happy to talk to you more about him. He joined the ATA in England before American was involved in WW II and joined CNAC after the start of the War. I have some data about CNAC which he left in 1947 after 199 trips over the hump. He flew with them as Capt. and left with 3,057 hrs. of flying C47 -C46- and DC4s. We met in Rangoon in 1949 and married in 1950 so that was after his years with CNAC. He retired from JAL in 1980, where he was flying 747's and as you already know he died in 2001 here in California. If you would like to know more about his life after his years with CNAC I will be happy to talk to you.


Jackie Gibson

P.S. I have the same picture that Johnny sent you and it was taken at a CAT-CNAC reunion in Taipei sometime in the 60's.

If you would like to share any information about Alfred Russell Gibson
or would like to be added to the CNAC e-mail distirbution list,
please let the CNAC Web Editor, Tom Moore, know.

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