
(Control Tower Operator)
(CNAC 1946 - 194?)

March 6, 2006

Hello Tom,

I have remembered two more names. Some photos will follow.

They were also Control Tower Operators with C.N.A.C.

Leonel "Leo" Gutierrez at Chungking and Vivian "Sonny" Anderson at Hankow. Leo worked with me at Nanking with the USAAF and joined C.N.A.C. together with me and Ric Manley in 1946. Sonny Anderson joined earlier, although probably the same year. He had been with the USAAF controllers at Kiangwan and was posted directly to Hankow.

I hope all is well with you.


If you would like to share any information about Vivian Anderson
or would like to be added to the CNAC e-mail distribution list,
please let the CNAC Web Editor, Tom Moore, know.

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