JOHN O'BRIEN (19?? - 196?)
Known to his friends as "Jack"
(CNAC 1947 - 1949)
(Captain - ???)
Page Started: 2004 Page Updated: 11-19-2022 |
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![]() Shots are mostly made on the CALTEX boat in Shanghai. Caltex was an oil and galoline purveyor. Upper right is Bob Love, ex-Army, who flew with CATC. Lower left is Jack O'Brien, also ex-Army, who flew c47's with CNAC. Jack came home from Hong Kong and flew with Ozark in St. Louis. He was killed flying with the Air Guard there. Lower right is a picture of Shanghai made from the hotel Cathay Mansions. (Photos and captions Courtesy of Wally Hash) Here's a blow-up of the above picture of Jack. ![]() From the 1949 CNAC list of pilots: O'Brien J. E. 35/170 Route Magniny, Apt. 3 79400 From the 1960-1962 CNAC mailing list: O'Brien, John p Ozark Airlines St. Louis Airport, Mo. From the 1965 CNAC mailing list: O'Brien, John p 407 - 3rd Ave S.W Cedar Rapids, Ia November 4, 2004 Fred (Heckman) was also from the Air Corps in Shanghai when we all went to Hong Kong (1947). I lived in a house with him and Jack O'Brien (CNAC Pilot) right next door to General Chennault. When Fred came back to the States he went back into the Air Force and married an Air Force nurse. Al Turney ![]() or would like to be added to the CNAC e-mail distribution list, please let the CNAC Web Editor, Tom Moore, know. Thanks! |