JERRY J. SWANTEK (1921 - 1994)
(CNAC 1944? - 1945?)
(Hump flights - ???)
In the 1943-45 log book of Don McBride, Jerry listed his home address as:![]() Jerry J. Swantek 37337 Huron River Dr. New Boston, Mich. November 7, 2005 Hi - My name is Jane (Swantek) Rogers and I am Jerry Swantek's daughter. My Dad passed away from stomach cancer in May, 1994. I believe he was a Captain in the CNAC. Recently my cousin Don Swantek and I loaned my Dad's photo album to Mr. Maher to take to the reunion in San Francisco. Unfortunately, none of the pictures were lableled in the album. He was hoping that people at the convention could identify the photos. I have not spoke with Mr. Maher since then, so I do not know if he was successful or not. We also have 16mm film that my Dad shot while he was over there. Some was taken out of the window of the aircraft. We are currently having them converted to DVD. Any communication or questions regarding my Dad can be sent to me at this email address or to my Mother at 3455 Edison, Dexter, MI 48130. We are still trying to locate my Dad's log book which was loaned to another family member several years ago. That would have the information on where he flew out of, the missions etc. I'm assuming. If anyone has any memories of my Father I would love to hear them! I do know that my Dad was an instructor at the Hawthorne School of Aviation in Orangeburg, SC before he went overseas. I have a picture of him from that school that I will attach to this email Dad is on the end on the right side. ![]() left to right Cadet Tom Harnish, Student Lt. Newton, Instructor Jerry Swantek Primary Training February 1944 Hawthorne School of Aeronautics, Orangeburg, South Carolina Thanks for getting back to me. I really love the CNAC site and I've always wanted to go to one of the reunions. Sincerely; Jane (Swantek) Rogers 734-426-5746 E-mail February 4, 2007 Hi Tom- Glad you are up and about again Its been a long ordeal. Here are pics of Swantek taken in June 1944. Jerry (Swantek), Robbie Roberts and I were buddies. I flew to Tibet in February 1945. In Sichang I met the governors nephew, who told me to come and visit. He was the one that lead the American Museum of Natural History to go to The Wolong valley to bring back the first live Panda in 1932. In June 1945, I got Robbie, Jerry, Charlie Sullivan, and Richard Green to drive some 4x4's and 5x6's to visit Louis Chang in Sichang. Hope Jerry's niece can make use of these. Green dispappeared in the Himalayas a month after these pictures were taken. Give her my regards and e-mail. Thanks, CED ![]() left picture - Jerry Swantek middle picture - Balijan River hunting Party right picture Richard Green Middle picture again ![]() Balijan River hunting Party, Dinjan, Assam 1944 1, 3, and 6 are Cnac. L-R- Jerry Swantek, Charles Rountree, and Ced Mah. The rest are US Army and a little native bearer ![]() Jerry Swantek - June 1944 ![]() or would like to be added to the CNAC e-mail distribution list, please let the CNAC Web Editor, Tom Moore, know. Thanks! |