(CNAC December 1943 - January 25, 1947)
(Captain - ???)
(Hump Flights - 350)

Page Started: About 2002
Page Updated: 9-12-2021

From Gene Banning's list of 8/31/00:
"... date hire before 8/44; killed in crash near Chungking 1/25/47."

In the 1943-45 log book of Don McBride, Jack listed his home address as:

Jack M. Blackmore
10580 Kinnard Ave
W. Los Angeles (24)
Beverly Hills, California

Left to right seated
Howard Dean, Jack Blackmore, Charles Sharkey, Russ Coldren
L to R Standing
Jake Fassett, Ray Hauptman, others unknown
Squatter with back to camera is unknown
Blackmore, Sharkey & Coldren were killed
(Photo Courtesy of Jim Dalby)

New York Times - January 27, 1947

New York Times - January 27, 1947

Received the following e-mail from Fletcher Hanks,
January 7, 2003

Jack Blackmore and I were roommates from Brownsville, Texas where we were both hired the same day. We went to Alaska together and then to CNAC together. He was surprised when I left. I told him I had a dream that he would die in China and it was the only such dream I had. Christy

If you would like to share any information about Jack M. Blackmore
or would like to be added to the CNAC e-mail distribution list,
please let the CNAC Web Editor, Tom Moore, know.

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